Toradora: Episode 18

7 02 2009

Wow! Look at all these little plot threads flying around!

In other words, nothing extremely major happened in this episode. Ami starts spouting insightful yet vague advice at Takasu again, then implies she likes him (again). Taiga continues being a good girl for Santa and also explains her reasons behind this. Minorin keeps on spacing out, making us wonder what she’s really feeling guilty about. And Ryuuji….continues being a really really nice guy. Don’t get me wrong, the plot is still moving, but it’s moving pretty subtly.

When the Christmas ornament shattered–my heart almost stopped! The set-up and transition into that moment was great: the warm, cozy feelings, right beforehand, and the dead silence right after….and Taiga’s star lying on the ground in a million pieces. Is the broken star a metaphor for anything? Probably. Something about things breaking apart even after you’ve tried hard, and fixing those things that that break. I’m not going to look too far into that, because I won’t be able to wrestle any solid predictions from this. I’ll just take it for what it is–a moment filled with emotion.

Next episode will probably be the Christmas party. We’ll find out if Minorin will show up with Ryuuji or not. And whether she does or not, we should finally get some answers from her. At least, that’s what I predict.

Episode Rating: 7/10 (Nothing really stands out. Just character building and a bit of set-up)

~eNamorD (with shiny stars)



5 responses

7 02 2009

Prepare yourself for angst

8 02 2009

Character building is good. Plus, the conversation between Minori and Ryuuji was not only about the broken star, but symbolized their broken friendship as well. I loved that.

9 02 2009

I think I’ll have to agree with your assessment of the episode. 7/10 is plenty pleasurable watching. While the series has definitely taken a turn toward the dramatic, I find that the characters keep the series unique.

This episode showed Ami’s other side (I love her insecurity and obsession with Ryuuji, it’s such an interesting twist on her character). Minori is finally becoming interesting to me, as her quirks start to present as neurosis when she looses her emotional balance. And as an almost 30 year-old, I find Yuri-sensei’s hysteria INCREDIBLY funny (if a little close to home at times).

Given the rate the plot moved during episodes 15 and 16, the previous two shows actually show the pace picking up. I have a feeling that the next episode will be a heartbreaker like the school festival. I can’t wait.

9 02 2009

Minori’s face (after seeing she broke Taiga’s star) is gonna haunt me for DAYS
Great episode, imo.

7 03 2009


The five-pointed star symbolizes the friendship of the five main characters, and Minori breaking the star is what she thinks she’s doing to their group’s relationship – which is, like the star, so very important to the lonely Taiga – by falling in love with Ryuuji.

This has been a Menma analysis.

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